Tripp’s Dog Training St. Pete provides you with comprehensive obedience training while getting the job done with care and attention. Offering Basic Obedience, Advanced Obedience Training and Behavior Counseling in St. Petersburg, FL and the surrounding communities. Choose In Home Dog Training, About Town Training or Board, Train and Play Camp... READ MORE
“I spoke with several dog trainers before choosing Sarah Tripp. Sarah had the best understanding of what I was looking for (she took the time to listen) and she delivered! It has been four months since my Wheaton Terrier completed training. Now, Keeva is the “dog-celeb” with all my neighbors. He sits and waits calmly at and in the elevator no matter how "... READ MORE
Sarah Tripp White is a professional dog trainer located in St. Petersburg, FL. She has successfully trained over 1000 dogs and their owners since 2007. Sarah is former Vice President of the National Association of Dog Obedience Instructors as well as a certified NADOI Instructor (#1118c). Sarah is recommended by local vets ... READ MORE